Category: Random

This is like the junk drawer in your kitchen that you straighten up, but it always seems to turn to poop as soon as you do.

Wedding Anniversary Gift Guide by Year

Woman opening gift
Presumed married couple exchanging gifts

Each year for the past six years I’ve been Googling “wedding anniversary gift guide by year” and each year I have to wade through a fillion websites to find the list. Not any more. I culled the Internet and created this post as a reference. More for me than for you, but you’re welcome to use it. And if you have no idea what this whole buying of wedding gift business is, here’s the short version.

Some time ago you got married. Be it last year or 50 years ago you are obligated to buy your spouse a gift. Thankfully, there are options. You can follow Emily Post’s etiquette guide created back in 1922 and get your hubby a traditional gift, you can opt for a more modern approach, or you can go with jewelry and/or flowers.

Bottom line. Ladies and dudes, you need to get your lifer a gift and here’s a list to make it easy.


How-To: Spot An Internet Scam

Home Wealth Forumla
Home Wealth Formula logo

Patricia Feeney, a former television news production assistant, was down on her luck and in need of a job to support her family. By a stroke of luck Ms. Feeney came across the Home Wealth Formula.

Interested, she ordered the $97 kit, set up a website, and waited for the money to roll in. Before long, Feeney was earning an incredible $6,795/month, and doing interviews with NBC and CNBC. Tell me more!


The Hooligans defined punk

singer screaming into mic
Hooligans singer screaming

I only listened to the likes of The RamonesThe Clash,  Sex Pistols, and Dead Kennedys (Green Day is not punk and therefore does not count) because a buddy of mine used to blare ’em in his Ford Tempo. I was never a fan, and I’m not really a fan now.

When my buddy took to forming a band I took to listening more. And when I showed up at an evening jam session in the basement of his parents’ house I got hooked. Not on any of the above icons, but on The Hooligans—four dudes that knew how to rock out with their cock out <– not literally, I don’t think. Unfortunately, the band dissolved and I can no longer pay to hear my friend swear at the top of his lungs.


Save a Stamp, PAY Online

USA First Class forever stamp
USA First Class forever stamp

At the end of each month I gather my bills, break out the checkbook, sit down at the table, and begin writing checks to everyone asking for money. In recent years many of the services I use began offering online bill pay. I just set up an account and the money is automatically debited from my account. More recently I’ve noticed other services adding “Save a Stamp! Pay online!” to their return envelopes.

Sounds like a great idea. Until I do the math.


5 shocking photos of damage from VA earthquake

earthquake epicenter
earthquake epicenter

On Tuesday, at 1:53 p.m, Mother Nature showed up 9 miles outside of Mineral, Va and ripped a 5.8 magnitude fart. Normally she keeps her flatulence contained on the West Coast, but for the first time since 1897 she cropdusted the East Coast, rattling doors and knocking over lawn chairs.

Within moments Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit were filled with horror stories and graphic images.

WARNING: What you are about to see is not for the faint of heart.


Oak Tree Leaf Disease

diseased oak leaf
diseased oak leaf

OK, so I have these trees, which I think are Shumard (or Red) Oak. And back in mid-April I noticed these lime-looking growths on the leaves. Some leaves had full grown “limes” and others were just starting to show signs of “lime” growth.

The best I can determine is that the tree has blisters. But, since no one can confirm my “diagnosis” I’m turning to you for assistance. If you or someone you know is a leaf expert or botanist or just some leaf enthusiast I’d love a little help identifying this leaf disease.