The information shared on this blog is meant to entertain and the opinions presented are my own and do not necessarily represent that of my employer or associations. Any information provided on this blog is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but that there may be omissions, errors or mistakes. In no event shall this blog be held liable for any damages directly or indirectly, resulting from the use of the information contained on this website.

Backpacking and Trail Information

The information that I share on any backpacking trip or hiking trail is for informational purposes only. Trip reports and trail descriptions are meant to entertain and give you, the reader, a better understanding of what to expect while visiting the described hiking trail. This information is not intended to give specific advice on any trail. I am not responsible for any accidents, injuries, rescues, inconvenience, or loss of life by anyone attempting any of the hikes on this website.

Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of any trail information, it is the responsibility of you, the reader, to use common sense and good judgment by interpreting and using the information to safely enjoy any outdoor activities.

Hiking can be dangerous and has many potential hazards. It is up to each individual to know their limits, abilities and level of expertise before attempting any outdoor activity. If you have questions about your abilities you should consult your health care provider.

Running Information

The information I share on running is for information purposes only. Always consult a medical professional before beginning any exercise program. When participating in races, workouts, and exercises shared on this site, please do so cautiously. If you have questions about your abilities you should consult your health care provider.

Running can be dangerous and has many potential hazards. It is up to each individual to know their limits, abilities and level of expertise before attempting any outdoor activity.

Health Information

I am not a doctor or a medical professional of any kind. All my advice is based on my own personal experiences. Tips, recipes, and other health-related information found here are not intended to treat or cure any medical condition or disease. Always consult a doctor for professional medical advice about your health. If you feel you have a medical problem or are in need of professional help please contact a professional.