Category: Random

This is like the junk drawer in your kitchen that you straighten up, but it always seems to turn to poop as soon as you do.

Stop using big words


Several years ago I took the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) so I could get into grad school. In addition to the quantitative (math) and analytical writing sections the exam includes a section devoted to analogies, completions, and reading comprehensions. This “verbal” section is all about the vocabulary.

Look, I know words. I use words all the time. But the vocabulary tested on the GRE are unlike any words I (or any normal person) use in day-to-day life. They are long, difficult-to-pronounce words with multiple syllables and limited conversational value. Unfortunately, they are also required knowledge if you want to be considered educated enough to be educated.


Predator: Where are they now?

Predator movie poster
Predator movie poster

Predator is one of my favorite movies. There’s action, blood, guts, and Arnold. Lots and lots of Arnold. As it goes, Dutch (Schwarzeneggar) takes his incredibly ripped team of commandos down to some Central American jungle to rescue a few downed airmen. On the ground they find the hostages hanging from a tree and skinned to the bone.

This makes the good guys really mad and they seek out the guerrillas whom they think are responsible. They find the camp, kill all the bad guys, and think all they have to do is get to the chopper. Not so fast good guys. There’s a crazy invisible monster lurking in the trees. The monster picks off the commandos one by one and it’s ultimately up to Dutch to take the creature out.

What a great movie. But what ever happened to the cast of Predator?


Beware the en passant

Chess with Friends app icon
Chess with Friends app icon

I was six-years-old when I received my first chess set. It was one of those with the cardboard chessboard and manila and black plastic pieces. I’m sure it came with a rulebook, but I doubt I read it. Perhaps I should have.

There are six pieces in chess. Each piece has its own movement restrictions. The smallest and seemingly the most worthless piece is the pawn. It can move to one unoccupied space on every move with the option to move forward two squares on its first move provided both squares are also unoccupied. It can only move forward unless it is attacking in which case it must move diagonally to capture an opponent’s piece. And, the pawn has a special shape-shifting move in which it can be promoted to any chess piece if it makes it to the eighth rank (the opponent’s back row). That’s it. Or, so I thought. Enter the en passant.


First Year Teacher: Math Problems of the Day Activities

math on a chalkboard
math on a chalkboard

My first year teaching was a crazy time. I had nothing. No supplies. No lesson plans. Nada. So, in the summer leading to my first year I decided I would create math activities using PowerPoint and a bunch of word problems.

For hours I sat on my couch and animated math problems (if only I had taken an Adobe Flash course). After eight months and hundreds of hours of work I churned out 75 animated math problems. The best part…my kids loved ’em.

Today, I’m offering the activities through Teachers Pay Teachers.


My WiFi password is abcde12345

wifi password dialog

On a recent trip I took my iPhone with the intent of using local coffee shops, restaurants, and other public locations to access the Internet. Upon arriving at a particular restaurant, I hit up the WiFi. Hmm, all these SSIDs are password protected. I asked the host for the SSID and password. The former was far more complex than the latter. A-B-C-D-E-1-2-3-4-5. My investigation into the nature of the chosen algorithm turned up a reasonable answer, “It’s what the directions said to do when I set up the router.”

This business is not the only offender. I tried my luck with other nearby networks. When I tapped the network, a WPA-protected network message appeared. Please enter password. For poops and giggles I tried “A-B-C-D-E-1-2-3-4-5”. Bam! I’m connected. I checked my mail, some social sites, the news, downloaded a few apps, and even listened a football game. But wait, there’s more! Wireless connectivity isn’t just limited to the SSID password.