Category: Training

Sometimes I learn stuff about myself when I’m training. And, sometimes I write about what I learn.

Running Barefoot

When you run without shoes...

When I run, I enjoy the fresh air, the wind in my face, and the ground beneath my feet. Back in December, I ran my first barefoot race—a 5K in sub-freezing temperatures. On Saturday, I kicked it up a notch and ran a solid 8 miles sans the feet-protecting injury-inducing coverings. Now, before you pass judgment and consider me an idiot (not that I would argue to the contrary) you should understand that running without pain is more important (to me) than running with shoes.


Running in Buenos Aires: Make a game of it

running Shoes

The first time I arrived in Buenos Aires I ran a round trip in the morning from Belgrano to el Centro (15 mi.). A trip more scenic than if I had forked over $$$ pesos ($US) and boarded a double-decker. To help pass the time, I came up with a game to play with every passing step.

A bit like an 80s 8-bit NES game, running in Buenos Aires (or any large city) has its own soundtrack, levels, obstacles, points, and characters.