Located in southwest Virginia, the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area (NRA), Grayson Highlands State Park, and surrounding National Forest lands are popular destinations for hikers and backpackers looking to log a few miles, take in breathtaking views, and observe wildlife of all types. In the past year or so, particularly along the Appalachian Trail (AT), the area has also become popular among black bears.
According to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s 2018 Bear Incident report, black bears have successfully retrieved more than 70 food bags hung in trees and damaged packs and tents as far south as Thomas Knob Shelter. As a result, the Forest Service closed the area for a time and, with the help of the Mount Rogers Appalachian Trail club, installed bear boxes at 6 sites: Thomas Knob Shelter, Rhododendron Gap between the AT and the Crest Trail, Wise Shelter, Old Orchard Shelter, Hurricane Mountain Shelter, and Trimpi Shelter.
With this in mind, my brother-in-law, Ken, and I decided to assume the risks and brave the crowds and bears for a Memorial Day weekend backpacking trip to the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area.