I’ve lived in a handful of places. Not quite as many places as I have been, man, but enough to provide a goal of running a marathon in each location. My first knocked out Kansas City, MO. Second put a check next to High Point, NC. And this past Sunday I drew the line through Chicago after finishing the 35th Bank of America Chicago Marathon.
The road to the finish line started off rocky after a bit of miscalculation. For whatever reason I had it in my head that my 20-week training schedule started in July. In late June I got to thinking about the marathon, backed up 20 weeks, and realized I was off by about 6 weeks.
Sure, I was logging about 20-25 miles a week, but I needed to be running 35-40 miles a week. So, I created a new training plan that spanned 92 days and 471 miles, and started July 7.