Fried Green Tomato Recipe

green tomatoes
green tomatoes

I planted my tomatoes late this year. When the frost hit I was left with a number of small green tomatoes and a forest of basil. As I decided the fate of my crops I remembered a film suggesting I could fry green tomatoes so I composted the basil, and saved the maters.

When I got home I searched online, found a few recipes, rummaged through my pantry, and came up short on ingredients. Too lazy to go to the store, I threw flour to the wind and took a stab at my own fried green tomato recipe.


I finished the 2011 OBX Marathon

OBX finish line photo

OBX Marathon finish line photo
I rolled out of bed at 5:20AM, took care of business, and spent 10 minutes battling my contacts only to discover that I was fumbling with my wife’s (sorry for throwing them away, honey). Eventually the rest of the family awoke and readied, and we were out the door ~630AM; en route for the drop off point 10 miles away in Kitty Hawk.


Barefoot Running: The Army Ten-Miler

Army Ten Miler coin Front
Army Ten Miler coin Front

Each year tens of thousands of runners and spectators come to Washington, DC to run the Army Ten-Miler (ATM). Put on by the U.S. Army Military District of Washington, the race starts and finishes at the Pentagon, passing by DC landmarks including the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, and the Capitol Building.

Five years ago I ran the ATM at 1:13:05 (7:18 pace). Back then I was a little younger, about 20 pounds lighter, and wore feet coverings more commonly referred to as shoes. For the ATM2011 I was going to take a different approach—ten miles, sub 8, and barefoot.


Stuffed Shells Recipe: Spinach and Ricotta

cooked stuffed shell
cooked stuffed shell

My sister and her family came over the other day to watch the Bears game (OK, and to celebrate her birthday). Instead of the usual breakfast-for-lunch menu my wife suggested we make something a little tastier. After spouting menu suggestions like guesses in a game of Pictionary we agreed on a stuffed shells recipe with spinach and ricotta.

Why? Because my sister is a vegetarian who likes lasagna. I thought…I know, but this stuffed shells recipe gives you all the lasagna flavor without the lasagna effort. And if you trust me enough to make ’em I’ll show you what to do.


Blue Ridge Relay 2011: Don’t eat the chili

Blue Ridge Relay team Lost Soles
runners at a finish line
Our 2011 Blue Ridge Team “Lost Soles”

Over the weekend I joined up with Team Lost Soles to run the 208 Mile Blue Ridge Relay (BRR208). Starting at Grayson Highlands State Park in VA we followed country roads and wound our way through North Carolina’s High Country to the finish line in Asheville, NC.

The team was a great combination of runners ranging in age from 28 to 59. Everyone supported one another as we prepped, ran, waited, and finished our legs. Each was determined to finish the race at an 8:45 pace. And after 30 hours 17 minutes and 30 seconds we bested that goal with an 8:44 pace.


I’m Running the 2011 Blue Ridge Relay

BRR2011 logo
BRR2011 logo

This time tomorrow I’ll be running with Team  Lost Soles in the 208 Mile Blue Ridge Relay (BRR208) as a last minute sub for an injured runner. Starting at Grayson Highlands State Park, Grayson County, VA, which is near the base of Mount Rogers (5729′), the course follows country roads and winds its way through North Carolina’s High Country to the finish in Asheville. The course features some of the region’s most spectacular scenery including the balds of Grayson Highlands State Park, the New River, the Blue Ridge Parkway, Grandfather Mountain (5964′), and Mount Mitchell (6684′), the highest peak east of the Mississippi River.


Oak Tree Leaf Disease

diseased oak leaf
diseased oak leaf

OK, so I have these trees, which I think are Shumard (or Red) Oak. And back in mid-April I noticed these lime-looking growths on the leaves. Some leaves had full grown “limes” and others were just starting to show signs of “lime” growth.

The best I can determine is that the tree has blisters. But, since no one can confirm my “diagnosis” I’m turning to you for assistance. If you or someone you know is a leaf expert or botanist or just some leaf enthusiast I’d love a little help identifying this leaf disease.


Easy Crock Pot Roast


After a long day at work I have no desire to spend an hour in the kitchen preparing and cooking dinner. What with having to entertain and feed my son, take out the dogs, clean, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. If you’re like me then I suggest investing in a crock pot, some veggies, and a slab of beef.

You can knock out the 20 minute preparation in the morning, and let the crock pot cook your dinner while you’re at work. When you arrive home your dinner will be ready for serving. If you’re interested in trying this recipe out just keep reading.


Zucchini and Corn Tacos

The other day I was given a five pound zucchini. So, uh…that’s a lot of zucchini. Well, I had to find ways to use the enormous green squash so I fired up Epicurious, searched for zucchini recipes, and settled on zucchini and corn tacos.

Using the apps built-in shopping list I hit up a local grocery store, grabbed what I needed, then headed home to prep. About an hour later my meal was finished and my belly way full. If you’re interested in this recipe and want to know my thoughts on the tacos keep reading.