Every New Year’s Eve I tell myself I’m gonna be healthier. I start by saying I’m gonna run every day. Which quickly changes to every other day. And eventually settles on somewhere between three and five times a week.
I didn’t run every day this past year, but I did get my health in order. My running is up and weight is down. For 2012, I’d like to ride that momentum and created something new for all to enjoy. If you’re game, I suggest you run an #Anywhere5K with me.
The premise is simple. Instead of enduring the hassles of organized road races (registration fees, waking up at the butt crack of dawn, and getting lost on your way to the start line) I propose you just roll out of bed and run an #Anywhere5k from wherever you are.
The rules are simple:
1. Run a 5K anywhere you’d like.
2. Post your time and location (city, state, and/or country) on Twitter.
3. Add the hashtag #Anywhere5k.
4. (optional) Add a photo and/or details of your run.